Our ratings

At Ashbrook Court Care Home, we are committed to providing high-quality care that is effective and responsive, delivered by an expert team that is well-led and supported in an environment that is safe and secure enabling residents to enjoy a better quality of life.

Food Hygiene ratings

Here is what the Care Quality Commission (CQC) said about our home:

  • The service had a positive culture which ensured the care provided to people using the service was person centred and focused on people’s individual care and support needs.
  • A relative said, “I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the service.” Another relative told us, “My family member is safe… they have better security here than when they lived at home”.
  • People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
  • People and those acting on their behalf were complimentary regarding the management of the service, signifying the service was well managed and led. Comments included “I’ve met the Manager, he’s very nice’ and “I would recommend here”.
  • Staff had a good knowledge and understanding of people’s specific care and support needs and how they wished to be cared for and supported.
  • Relatives were able to visit their family member without any restrictions imposed and in line with current government guidance. During both days of inspection, we observed a steady flow of visitors to Ashbrook Court Care Home, including adults and children.
  • Comments included, “Visitors can come whenever they want” and, “Visitors can come in anytime. We have lots of visitors to see my relative, family, friends and neighbours.”
  • The registered manager understood the importance of their role and responsibilities. They demonstrated a commitment to providing good care for people using the service, providing support to staff employed within the service and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements was attained.

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